Saturday, September 10, 2005

Reading, Thinking Generation

While on the plane coming back from Bali, John and Han Meng came up with a brilliant idea to revive the CDPC library. It's located at a "out-of-sight-out-of-mind" corner, so nobody ever uses the resources.

So here's the game-plan:
1) Start a catalogue and borrowing system
2) Invest in resources that build mature, clear-thinking believers (beyond self-help)
3) Volunteers take turns to place resources near the coffee table, inviting people to check out a book
4) Periodically do book reviews for the buletin board/newsletter to arouse interest

It may not look like a very glamorous ministry, but it's a powerful one.

Think of the potential that a revived church library could equip an army of thinking, reading and literate believers who could integrate their vocation with the Christian faith.


Ronald Chua said...

good idea ^^ pray it works ^^

Dave said...

Consider doing it in your community too, Ronald... :) We need all ther intercessory prayers we can get!